
Showing posts from November, 2020

Seek Wisdom

You may be younger but wiser than me,  on the other hand, I may be younger but wiser. Wisdom is not a matter of age,  it is a matter of grace. But I have good news; the Bible says anyone who lacks wisdom should ask, and God will give it freely. be humble, know what you need, and ask. Seek wisdom today, it will be beneficial to you.

When The Purpose of Education is Defeated

Of course I appreciate my parents for giving me sound education. They trained me through from the basis up to university. Kudos to them! Nevertheless, being educated is not a yardstick for me to see myself as better than the semi-educated. If you have been feeling that way, COME DOWN from your high horse! There are people who did not even roundup the 1st trimester of Secondary school who speak and write better than some university graduates. I AM NOT ANTI-EDUCATION o! But if you must get educated, get it the right way, not through shady means; EARN your certificate! And when you do, don't use 'big big grammar' to intimidate the semi-educated. Speak in words they can understand (after all,  that is the essence of communication). If you insist on grammar, wait till you are among your colleagues. Education is good, but let's get it the right way, and when we do, we need not intimidate those who are not as privileged. THE TRUTH BE TOLD.

Learning is Continous

LIVING life is not about being perfect, but working towards perfection. We learn every day and self development is a continuous process. You should not get to a stage where you feel you're done learning. When we open our hearts to absorb and get more knowledge, we grow and stay relevant. Nevertheless, if we stop learning, we become irrelevant or replaceable. If you want to stay relevant and useful to your world,  learn something new today. Remember, stagnant water stinks... 

Doing It The Right Way

I gave my daughter a drug only once to put a stop to her incessant vomiting. The vomiting stopped, so I also stopped administering the drug. But the next day, the vomiting started, then, I began to wonder what I did wrong. I made a call to verify this and, alas! I was giving her the right drug in the wrong way. She was supposed to take that drug for 3 days, but I gave it for just 1 day. LESSON In life, some times, we make the mistake of doing the right things the wrong way. And when this happens, there's no way we can record the required success. Listen, if you are doing something right and yet, you are not getting the result you want, pause and ask yourself "I'm I doing things the right way?" Learn to make a self-assessment, it helps. Enough of doing the right thing the wrong way. It is time to progress, stop doing something the same way and expect a different result. If you want a NEW result, do that thing in a NEW way.

The Difference Between Joy and Happiness

Joy is quite different from happiness . Happiness is what you feel when something that feels good happens to you; its a momentary feeling, it doesn't last long. Joy on the other hand is far greater. It's a fruit of the Spirit. No matter the happenings around you, it doesn't affect you much: IF you are a joyful person. Because you are joyful; you bubble with life! At times like this, people don't seem to understand the reason for your joy. They can't point at any reason why you should be joyful. But you are joyful anyways. It is unfathomable! If you are a joyful person, circumstances don't dictate WHO YOU ARE, how you feel or act . Nevertheless, if you are just a happy person, you will easily experience what some call 'mood-swing': situations determines how you feel or act par-time. Aspire to be joyful today... Leave the level of  happiness. I pray for you: THE JOY THAT PASSES HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, THE LORD WILL GIVE TO YOU.


I have noticed we tend to judge people by the way they look. If he is tall and handsome with a good dress sense, "he is a responsible young man". If she has charisma, and 'ugly', "she is very intelligent, the 'ugly' girls are more intelligent because they look serious". When has behaviour and character become something you can detect by mere looking at a person's physique? Why are people so quick to judge others by the outward appearance? To make matters worse; some single men and women fall into that trap in making marital decisions. "She is too fat, she won't meet my expectations of a wife", he is too short, he can't be romantic, infact will he climb a stool just to give me a kiss?" ************ That a book cover is beautiful does not mean the content will also be beautiful, a book cover is not attractive isn't a guarantee that it will not  be mind-blowing. The saddest part is that even the so-ca...


Our body is the temple of God. God is the Sole Owner of it. God gave it us to use for His glory. What you do with your body matters a lot. There are people who don't see anything wrong in using their bodies to fulfil d devil's desire: indecent dressing, prostitution, adultery, fornication even over or under-eating. This should not be. When some are scolded for using their bodies in this manner,  they tell you-"it is my body, i can do whatever I like with it". This is wrong. That your so called body can function only because you can breath, and the breath you breathe is not your own. If the Owner of the breath takes it, nothing is left. Invariably, God owns our body and we should do things that will please Him with it. Glorify Him with it. Never forget,  your body is the temple of THE LIVING GOD.

The Trickster

Exposing his Tricks The devil is the trickster and he is never after those on his side, you know? He prefers those on God's side.  He doesn't need those on his side anyways, they are already were he wants them to be. He is greedy, he wants more people,  so he tries those on the LORD's side. But those on the devil's side don't know what is coming for them. He may give them a cap, but he will use it to take their heads! Wow! A word is enough for the wise. Keep being on the LORD's side if you already are because that's the best place to be. justinspired .

Lack of Love

  LACK OF LOVE Lack of love has caused a whole lot of wicked happenings. Lack of true; pure love has made people commit too many atrocities. These days it gets worse. Can you imagine a man 'slaughtered' like a cow. Imagine some set of people  coming together to form a group to waste lives (kill) because of senseless or selfish reasons. Is it not alarming that a woman can be tortured with pepper poured into her private part? No matter what, why must the torture be taken to that extreme?! These and many more are the things that lack of love has caused and is still causing. With love, there will be no jealousy, no hatred, no deceit, no killing, no strive, no chaos. People need to love one another more.The solution to the problems we are encountering is LOVE; IN POLITICS AND OTHER AREAS, WE NEED LOVE!

A 'Shareful' GIVER

  SHARE It is good to share with others from your wealth of knowledge. The more you give, the more you get. Sharing makes you feel the need to learn more and share more. And the more you share, the more your eyes are open to more. Infact, you even learn from what you say or write, as the case may be. And there'll be this excitement of knowing that if you learn more, you'll be able to share more. By extension, you will pant after more knowledge. By going after more, you become more knowledgeable and confident. That is the joy of sharing. Don't be selfish with what you know! SHARE! Elizabeth Oduwaiye .