WALNUT; otherwise known as 'Asala' or 'Awusa' among the Yoruba people of Nigeria that the Igbos call 'Ukpa' and 'Okhue' or 'Okwe' in Edo has so many nutritional benefits. It is an African fruit. And it belongs to the botanical family: Euphorbiaceae and It is very known and popular in this part of the world. Knowledge they say is power. So, today, we will be sharing with you the nutritional and health benefits of this fruit known as 'The African Walnut': 20 Reasons You Need the African Walnut Fruit 1. Prevention of Cardiovascular diseases 2. Treatment of infertility 3. Promotes quality sleep 4. Reduces the cholesterol level 5. Treatment of gastroenteritis diseases 6. Anti-microbial properties 7. Ideal for pregnant women 8. Culinary purposes 9. Prevention of cancer 10. Boosts cognitive function 11. Anti-inflammatory properties 12. Anti-aging properties 13. Regulation of menstrual flow 14. Promotes health immune system 15. Headache cure 16....