MOST TIMES, PEOPLE TAKE GOOD PERSONS FOR GRANTED. People also take opportunities for granted. There are some things or opportunities we enjoy sometimes that we don't appreciate until we loose them. But it doesn't have to be so. Learn to appreciate. Appreciate people, value them. Appreciate opportunities, maximize them. See the good in everyone and every situation, so that when they are no longer there as they used to, you will know you harnessed the goodness in them. On a lighter note, do you remember the days of 'There's God o'? Those were the good old days right? When we had better times. At least we didn't have this much hardship in this country. It is now that we refer to those days as better but in those days, we didn't realize that there will come a time that we will come to appreciate those days than this present day. In those days, people murmured, they complained about the government. In fact, they wanted the presidency to be chan...