MOST TIMES, PEOPLE TAKE GOOD PERSONS FOR GRANTED. People also take opportunities for granted. 

There are some things or opportunities we enjoy sometimes that we don't appreciate until we loose them. 

But it doesn't have to be so. 

Learn to appreciate. 

Appreciate people, value them.

 Appreciate opportunities, maximize them. 

See the good in everyone and every situation, so that when they are no longer there as they used to, you will know you harnessed the goodness in them. 

On a lighter note, do you remember the days of 'There's God o'?

Those were the good old days right? When we had better times. At least we didn't have this much hardship in this country. It is now that we refer to those days as better but in those days, we didn't realize that there will come a time that we will come to appreciate those days than this present day.

In those days, people murmured, they complained about the government. In fact, they wanted the presidency to be changed. They felt someone else will do it better. If only we knew that we will remember those days we thought were bad and wish we had such days again. 

It is now we see clearly.

Those days weren't bad after all. Yes, those were the good days. 

Not the best, but good. 

We thought those days were just not 'it' for us, we didn't realize that we will wish we had those days again. Things were much better then than they are now. We even had some comic relief. Our then mama had a way of making us laugh and she didn't even realize it. And she will keep a straight face through it all 😂. 

We had fun, jested and laughed. But the truth be told, today we miss mama Patience so much. 

The irony was that people wanted the then leader to wave a magic wand to make things that took years to spoil to become all right; perfect in the twinkle of an eye. 

That exactly was the problem. 

Oh, how the murmurings were so loud! But we never knew that we will one day desire what we once rejected. We never realized that we will desire to have another leadership of that similitude again. 


  • It is good to thank God for every present situation instead of murmuring. You should learn to appreciate little things. 

  • It is usually not palatable to learn the simple truth the hard way.

  • There are days that looks gloomy and dark. Right there in the gloom and darkness, appreciate God for the things that are working instead of complaining. Complaining doesn't make things better, but thanksgiving can yield fantastic results. 

  • Murmurings only bring worst days, not better days. In the Bible, you can check the story of the children of Israel to see how badly murmuring ended so many of the blessings they were supposed to enjoy. They missed it by complaining. 

  • No matter the situation you find yourself, realize that it could be worst, but it isn't; so that is a good reason to be thankful. 

In Nigeria today, we have a lot of people who are complainers. People who don't take any action. They are all 'talk', no action. They don't do anything to change the status quo, all they do is murmur and murmur and murmur. 

If you are one of such, turn a new leaf!

Let me ask you, for 'your' Nigeria to be better what personal steps have you taken?


Elizabeth Oduwaiye (Founder, LSC) 

--Touching the world POSITIVELY; one person at a time. 

DISCLAIMER: This post was not put together to influence your decision or political choice in anyway. 

This is Life Skills Counsel: our aim is to draw out lessons from life happenings and experiences in order to make impact. And that is what we have done here.


  1. Don’t take people for granted. No matter how much they love you, people get tired eventually. We are all given chances, but you never know when the last chance may be.


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