
Showing posts from April, 2021


  ********************* There is a fact we need to always take cognisance of: WORDS are POWERFUL! WORDS CAN EITHER MAKE OR BREAK A PERSON OR A RELATIONSHIP. Words can move a person to tears or propel laughter. Someone once said, “Words are sometimes more destructive than nuclear bomb”. Well, it's true, so you need to be careful how you speak to people or address a person. Some hurtful words can make the recipient feel so bad, feel mentally battered or even begin to have suicidal thoughts. A thought that just came to my mind concerning the effect of words is this: Comedians make people laugh, what do they use? WORDS! The suicide bombers are manipulated to carry out their dastardly act through what? WORDS! They are usually not forced to become suicide bombers, all their manipulators use are WORDS. YOU SEE THE POWER OF WORDS? God made the world through words. That means IF THE RIGHT WORDS CAN CREATE, THE WRONG WORDS CAN ALSO DESTROY WHAT HAS BEEN CREATED. Be mindful of what you say....


Mr. Emmanuel was one of my favourite teachers in secondary school. He was our Christian Religious Studies (CRS) teacher. HE WAS A VERY GOOD TEACHER. That subject he taught; CRS is a subject that most students usually find boring and uninteresting . But I can assure you that CRS is not boring, only the teacher teaching it can make it appear to be so. THE WAY AND MANNER A TEACHER TEACHES A SUBJECT CAN DETERMINE WHETHER STUDENTS WILL LIKE IT OR NOT. Also, have you noticed that if a student dislikes a teacher, it affects the student's attention span on that subject and by extension affects their performance in that subject? That takes me back to Mr. Emmanuel. There was never a dull moment in this man's classes despite the fact that he teaches one of the subjects students term 'boring'. Muslims or Islamic students who saw how he explained the topics in Christian Religious Studies and gesticulates always snuck into his classes so as not to be left out of the fun that is usua...


God does not impose any decision on anyone. In life, you are allowed opportunities to make decisions. God allows everyone to make their choices, He doesn’t force you to take steps or make choices. THIS IS CALLED FREE WILL. Free will is a good thing. In fact, I perceive God thought it better because HUMANS BEINGS, BEING WHO THEY ARE, WILL PUSH BLAME ON GOD IF GOD WAS INVOLVED IN THEIR DECISION MAKING. WHEN ANYTHING GOES WRONG, INSTEAD OF THEM TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR ACTIONS, THEY WILL PUSH BLAMES AND EXONERATE THEMSELVES. Check the Bible in the book of Genesis chapter three, verse twelve, there, you will see a good example of the typical human behavior. Shortly after God conducted the marriage ceremony between Eve and Adam, they both fumbled and God asked Adam being the head how it happened and why he allowed such to happen, he told God that ‘it was the woman you gave me’. Here, He was indirectly telling God that ‘it was not my fault: it is Eve’s fault and Yours, after all, yo...


  ENTERPRENEURSHIP IS NOT TAUGHT IN SCHOOLS, SO WHAT DO WE DO? ********************************************** THE ANSWER? We Teach It! Recently, my 10 year old had the following conversation with me: Child: ‘Mummy, I have a feeling that I am supposed to be selling something’. {Well, she has had a ‘feeling’ before and what she said came to pass (that is gist for another day), so, you should know I won’t joke with her ‘feeling’ this time around} . Mummy: ‘Do you have an idea of what you are going to sell?’ Child: ‘I’m thinking something that people can eat or use. Yes, something edible or usable’. I smiled with pride. Mummy: ‘What edible or usable do you want to sell?’ Child: ‘Let me think about’. Mummy: ‘Okay dear’. Seconds later. Child: ‘Mummy, I’m thinking something like chin chin’. Mummy: ‘Okay. Someone told me about being a chin chin distributor yesterday. I will contact her’. That was how her chin chin business started. I made sure I was her first customer; to encourage her. TO...


  Sub Topic : Leave and Cleave ONE OF THE IMPORTANT QUALITIES OF A GOOD HUSBAND MATERIAL IS THAT HE IS WILLING and READY to LEAVE and CLEAVE (Genesis 2:24). How do you know a man who is not ready to leave and cleave? A man who doesn't see anything wrong in staying in his parents’ house after marriage is not going to leave and cleave. ACCORDING TO THE HOLY BOOK'S INJUNCTION; A MAN IS SUPPOSED TO LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND CLEAVE TO HIS Wife (Genesis 2:24). This doesn't mean he should NOT take care of his parents or go to pay them a visit from time to time. It simply means, now, he sits with his wife to deliberate on the important decisions he wants to make; he doesn't run to his parents house because, now he has a helpmeet. Someone who will complete him. Someone who will be there as an anchor, an assistant, a helper. A MAN WHO CANNOT ‘LEAVE AND CLEAVE’ CAN NEVER BE COMMITTED TO THE PROGRESS OF HIS MARRIAGE. The other partner will just keep doing their best to make t...