Listen, when you or when others make a mistake and you don’t learn from it, you fall into the trap of making that same mistake again and you keep moving in a cycle of mistakes. SO, LEARN FROM YOUR OWN MISTAKES AND DON’T FORGET TO LEARN FROM THE MISTAKES OF OTHERS ALSO.
As a result of the above fact, I will be drawing out some lessons that you can learn from the mistakes made in the Garden of Eden.
For those who don’t know the story, here is a summary: Adam, the first man created was placed in a garden with all the things he needed. But he was alone, so, God created a companion and he chose that companion (Eve) as wife. The serpent deceived Eve into disobeying God. She ate the forbidden fruit and gave it to her husband to eat as well.

My opinion is this: IT IS NOT POSSIBLE FOR THE MAN TO ALWAYS BE WITH THE WOMAN, SO A MAN SHOULD ALLOW THE WOMAN TO BE OCCUPIED. As you go to work, allow your wife to also go to her own work place. An idle mind they say is the devil’s workshop.
I have heard of situations where the man refuses to allow the woman to work. This may be for reasons best known to the man but the disadvantages of this is more than the advantages. When someone is idle, it gives room for so many bad thoughts to creep in and many bad advices to take root and the aftermath is always disastrous.

In the Garden of Eden, Eve took the decision that will affect her and her spouse all by herself and the consequence wasn’t palatable.

There is always a hierarchy: in this case; God to Adam, Adam to Eve.

Husbands! it is not all decisions your wife tries to convince you to take that is right. Wives! it is not all suggestions your husband gives you that is right. BE CAREFUL AND ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT NO MATTER HOW SPIRITUAL YOUR SPOUSE IS, HE OR SHE IS STILL HUMAN AND CAN MAKE MISTAKES. SO, THINK IT THROUGH!

Written by
Elizabeth Oduwaye Martins
Life Skills/Youth Counsellor
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