Recently, an intellectual person  said to me "Elizabeth, you have a very rich mind". And I thought to my self, "Oh! Wow! So I have a very rich mind"? 

It felt good to be told something I didn't realize about myself because I am a sulker for self-mastery and self-discovery 🙂. 

So, I wanted to know why the person says I have a very rich mind and what having a rich mind entails, so I went on a research. And here is what I found (I like to share with you):

A rich mind is a mind that is always rich in knowledge and ideas. 

No matter how isolated a rich minded person is, their mind will never be alone. It will never be bored or feel lonely. It will be rich of knowledge and ideas. It is strengthened from within and empowered. It has the ability to get instant solution to problems, improvise and bring forth brilliant ideas. That’s the power of a rich mind.

Look at it this way. Knowledge is the key resource of the mind. A mind full of knowledge is rich, while a mind that lacks knowledge is poor. 

You know how people say, “It takes money to make money”? 

THE POINT IS THAT IF YOU HAVE MONEY, YOU CAN INVEST THAT MONEY TO GENERATE MORE OF IT. THE SAME IS TRUE WITH YOUR MIND. Once you have a rich mind, and you keep investing by acquiring more knowledge, it can only get richer.  

Developing a rich mind is the most important thing you can do for yourself. 

Before I reveal the things you can do to enrich your mind. Let's see the Attributes, Features or Benefits of having A Rich Mind

Let's start with the truth. 

The truth is that developing a rich mind is hard. It’s easier to spend hours on Instagram, spying on the lives of celebrities and your former classmates and lovers. Isn’t that weird? We all do it.  

But it’s a waste of time. What’s the impact of those activities on your mind? It’s zero if you look at other people and compare yourself to them, get jealous, and start feeling bad about yourself: The impact is negative. Just stop that already! 

Rich minded people rather than letting life happen to them, they take direct action and make big things happen. 

Rich mindset celebrates the successes of others. It embraces the competition and often befriends it. You have two choices, tear down another person’s success or be inspired by the example.

Poor mindset feels jealousy and bitterness about the successes of others.

Rich mindset understands that it can never know everything and that something can be learned from everyone. Poor mindset deludes itself into believing it knows everything, and that opposing perspectives are wrong before even hearing them.

Rich mindset seeks to build relationships based on trust, liking, shared values, and mutual respect. People with the rich mindset help others and cultivate relationships with no expectation of anything in return.

We could go and on about the benefits of having a rich mind because they are almost endless, but let's move on. 

Things to do to Enrich Your Mind


📙 Reading books—This one is obvious. If you want to learn about a topic, buy the best books and start reading. 

🧾 Take courses—Books are great for ideas but they often lack instructions. If you want to learn practical skills like programming, writing, building websites, and so forth, It is advisable you take courses. 

👂 Listen to audiobooks/podcasts—Even while you are running or driving, you can keep learning.  

📺 Watch interviews or documentaries—Sometimes you don’t feel like reading or taking a course, but you still want to keep learning. That’s why I like watching interviews on YouTube. I also enjoy watching documentaries about inspirational people. 

💥 Journaling—Always write about what you’ve learned in your own words. That helps you remember it more. 

💙 Share your knowledge—When you talk about your ideas and knowledge with others, you’re not only being helpful, you’re also enriching your own mind. I keep saying this one. 

NOTE that rich mind is not all about money. 

There are rich people in terms of money but with very poor mind set and vise versa. So, don't get it twisted. 

Compiled by:

Elizabeth Oduwaiye 

Life Skills Counsellor 







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