Can you spot me in the picture among Corps (NYSC) members? Yes, exactly, that's me right there in dark sun shades forming oh baby. 

That picture you see was taken 9 years ago instead of 15 years ago. Do you want to know why? Read on.

Actually, I DIDN'T GAIN ADMISSION UNTIL 6 YEARS AFTER I LEFT SECONDARY SCHOOL. Let me be more practical, I was a teenager when I left secondary school but I didn't enter into the university until I was in my 20s. 

The reason was not because I was a dull student. It wasn't because I didn't have my O'level papers passed or completed. The reason was not because I was failing in my JAMB examination. The REASON I DIDN'T GO FURTHER IN MY EDUCATION FOR 6 YEARS WAS SIMPLY BECAUSE OF 'LACK OF KNOWLEDGE' . I lacked the necessary exposure to the knowledge that could move me forward. 

There were so many information I wasn't privy to that stunted my academic growth. And that costed me 6 whole YEARS of my life: 72 months! 312 weeks! 2,190 days! 

Let's see why events unfolded the way they did:

One, I made the mistake of going back to write WAEC Examinations because I had the misconception that the NECO examination wasn't worthy of any Higher Institution.  

This is a very wrong ideology. NECO result can be used to enter into any higher Institution in Nigeria. 

If I remember vividly, I attempted WAEC and GCE like three times because I just wanted a 'great' WAEC result. I neglected my NECO result. 

Two, I didn't attempt securing admission into any other higher institution except a University. I thought university was the best bet. I didn't realize that 'HIGHER INSTITUTION' DOESN'T HAVE TO BE A UNIVERSITY, it could be a Polytechnic, a business school, a college of Education or even a Technical College.

In fact, it was until I was in NYSC camp that I realized that students who attended polytechnic can also serve as corps members. It was when I had that understanding that I was like "Yeeeh! Mogbe! So, HND holders too can serve as 'corpers' too just like me (A university graduate) and do shakara with NYSC uniform?" 

So, why have I been wasting my time waiting for university admission?

Oh dear, I almost cried for all the time I wasted.

I have had several experiences in life that has thought me a lot of lessons. The lessons from this particular experience are as follows:

1. Look for people who have done what you are about to do or gotten to where you are headed and ask for directions. 

2.  Have research done, ask questions, seek answers. Be knowledgeable. The Bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge. 

3.  Don't make assumptions. You may be wrong 98 out of 100 times. 

4. Acquiring knowledge can save you from wasting time, wasting money, having headache or even heartache. 

5. Learn from other people's mistakes, read their stories, then map out your own path. 

4. Seek counsel. As can be seen in this particular instance, the need for a Career Counsellor cannot be ignored.

Thank God for NGOs like Life Skills Counsel. We give Career Counselling to students at times they need it most. Call us on +2348025233308 to book an appointment with us today. 

I hope someone can pick a lesson or more form the above story. 

We want the best for you. Cheers. 

Elizabeth Oduwaiye 

© Life Skills Counsel


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