The way you see or view things and circumstances may most times differ from the way others view or see those same things.

David saw Goliath as an opportunity to display the power of God while other Israelites saw Goliath as an insurmountable problem. 

One person may see a challenge as a problem that must be avoided while another may see that same difficulty as an opportunity for progress.

A very good example is given by a man of God I respect so much about the management of a company. 

The company management sent one of their staff to check the Economy viability of a particular community to know whether a shoe factory will thrive there. 

The first person that was sent reported thus: "The inhabitants there were not wearing shoes, so a shoe factory will be a waste of resources". He said it is not a good place to establish a shoe factory. And that if the factory is established, the company staff will be the only ones using the shoes manufactured by them 😯. 

A second person was sent after the first and he came back with a report that was totally different from the first. 

He said: "The inhabitants were not wearing shoes but it will be a good ground for us to set up our shoe factory because we will make them wear shoes: we will show them the importance of wearing shoes and itemize practically the dangers of not wearing one. This will make them see the importance of buying and wearing shoes; thereby making the company thrive in that community. 

Your guess is as good as mine! Of course, the company was very pleased with the second report! 👏

The story above shows two different perspectives on the same issue. The first person saw a problem but the second person saw an opportunity. See also the story of the twelve spies in Numbers 13 & 14. 

What is your perspective towards life? 

Your perspective can qualify you for provision. It can pave way for you. It can make you BIG! It can qualify you to be a problem-solver!

CAUTION! Your perspective about things affects your life and affects your success in life.

If your perspective about circumstances is majorly negative, then you have to change your perspective!

I say this for your own good.

It is #lifeskillscounsel. 

Written by

Elizabeth Oduwaiye

Life Skills Counsellor


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