When I say music, I mean the right kind of music oooo. Like seriously. How? For me, whenever I need inspiration, all I need to do is play the right kind of songs. When I'm in a sad mood, music helps me to feel lively again! Sometimes, when a Gospel music is on, lots of important things that I need to do are being brought back to my remembrance. THAT IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO PICK THE RIGHT KIND OF SONGS. Some songs will lead you to sin. Why? Because of bad lyrics. Some can even reduce your self-esteem. While some will give you the inspiration or idea you need for the next level. SO, CHOOSE YOUR SONGS WITH CAUTION! Today I'm going to share with you my play list . See this as a privilege please (just a candid advise 🤷🏻). I will start with the play list I had last December because it may bless someone. As for the ones for this year, I just started the compilation. Here they are: (December 2022 & January 2023 play list). I hope these helps YO...