That you are rich is not enough reason to spoil your children's life and future with the money.

There is nothing wrong with pampering your child from time to time, but don't turn it into a norm. It will have negative effect on them in the long run. 

Help them to know that MONEY IS WORKED FOR AND SHOULDN'T BE SQUANDERED. It can instead be  spent, invested, or saved. 

Contact me if you need the Financial Literacy Lectures for your Kids. 

Help them to understand that money is not everything. How? They will learn that from you through the way you handle money related matters. CHILDREN LEARN EASILY BY EXAMPLE. 

Teach these kids to understand that THERE IS SOMETHING called WANT AND NEED. AND THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO. Let them know what the difference(s) is/are. 

Let them know the meaning of lack. Not because you don't have, but because you need to install core values in them. 

Teach them that they can't have access to everything they want all the time. And how to adapt when they don't have access to what they crave all the time. This will help them to learn ADAPTATION and CONTENTMENT. 

Don't indulge them by giving them things they don't need all because you can afford it. If you give to them the things they don't need, it results in wastefulness. You turn them into wasters by your extravagance! Please don't do this to the innocent child(ren). 

When you don't always give them everything they ask for, this will teach them that; a person doesn't always get what they want. NOTE THAT, they need this training, it is very important. 

Teach them to be kind, let them know it is important to give and assist those in need. As long as they have, they should give. Not only those in need but also to those celebrating one achieve or milestone. 

All that they have doesn't have to be consumed by them alone. 

They should give because the universe submits to givers. Even the Bible says give and it shall be given unto you. 

And whatsoever you sow, you will receive. 

This children need you in these developmental stages if their lives. DON'T DISAPPOINT THEM. Most importantly, DON'T DISAPPOINT GOD the giver of children. 

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Written by 

Elizabeth Oduwaiye 

Life skills Counsellor 


  1. Parents make a mistake when they pamper in the name of love. Pampering creates weakness because children develop the belief that others should do everything for them. One of the greatest gifts you can give your children is to allow them to develop the belief, "I am capable." Children feel capable when they learn that they can survive the ups and downs of life.
    Thank you


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