********************* There is a fact we need to always take cognisance of: WORDS are POWERFUL! WORDS CAN EITHER MAKE OR BREAK A PERSON OR A RELATIONSHIP. Words can move a person to tears or propel laughter. Someone once said, “Words are sometimes more destructive than nuclear bomb”. Well, it's true, so you need to be careful how you speak to people or address a person. Some hurtful words can make the recipient feel so bad, feel mentally battered or even begin to have suicidal thoughts. A thought that just came to my mind concerning the effect of words is this: Comedians make people laugh, what do they use? WORDS! The suicide bombers are manipulated to carry out their dastardly act through what? WORDS! They are usually not forced to become suicide bombers, all their manipulators use are WORDS. YOU SEE THE POWER OF WORDS? God made the world through words. That means IF THE RIGHT WORDS CAN CREATE, THE WRONG WORDS CAN ALSO DESTROY WHAT HAS BEEN CREATED. Be mindful of what you say....
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