
Showing posts from April, 2023


 That you are rich is not enough reason to spoil your children's life and future with the money. There is nothing wrong with pampering your child from time to time, but don't turn it into a norm. It will have negative effect on them in the long run.  Help them to know that MONEY IS WORKED FOR AND SHOULDN'T BE SQUANDERED. It can instead be  spent, invested, or saved.  Contact me if you need the Financial Literacy Lectures for your Kids.  Help them to understand that money is not everything. How? They will learn that from you through the way you handle money related matters. CHILDREN LEARN EASILY BY EXAMPLE.  Teach these kids to understand that THERE IS SOMETHING called WANT AND NEED. AND THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO. Let them know what the difference(s) is/are.  Let them know the meaning of lack. Not because you don't have, but because you need to install core values in them.  Teach them that they can't have access to everything they want ...


It is good to reminisce sometimes. You know?  Think deep and count your blessings? This helps you to value the things you have enjoyed or are still enjoying. Then you will realize you have reasons to be thankful. I read the story of someone who wasn't able to urinate for days and how it caused serious problems. When you go to the toilet and pass waste (faeces and urine) seamlessly, don't see it as your right. Remember that some people's prayer point is that they be able to urinate or defecate. People's inability to fart (mess or pollute - Nigeria slang) is a big deal. Make your findings well, to fart is a blessing. We take sleep for granted because we do not realize what those suffering from insomnia (inability to sleep) have to go through. Our breathing is not hindered. Some people pay hundreds of thousand for breath (oxygen). Yet you breathe unhindered and you are not thankful? The alarming thing is that breathing, sleeping, urinating, defecating and the likes are thi...




 CALM DOWN Take things easy. It's one day at a time. Abeg no wound yourself. Nobody's life is perfect. The difference between you and the other person's countenance is determined by how well they have mastered the act of putting on a beautiful smile despite all odds. Elizabeth Oduwaiye  --Touching the world POSITIVELY: one person at a time.  #lifeskillscounsel #relax